Monday, October 5, 2009

Guess who has a dress.........

Okay so I can't believe I get to write this.......but...... I found a dress yesterday!!!

Not only is it a dress, but it is THE dress. Even in my wildest dreams I could not have imagined a more perfect dress for myself. The best part of all was how it all happened.

About a week ago I bought a local magazine called TALK Greenville. It is a local magazine and I bought it to see who the top 25 best looking women in Greenville were. Seth also happened to look at the magazine and folded over a page when he saw a local bridal store. On Sunday my mom, dad and grandma (she was in town from Florida) came over for the day. After walking around downtown Greenville and a large southern brunch all I wanted to do was go home and relax. Unfortunately, there was a football game on so all my mom wanted to do was get out of the house so my Dad could watch. Seth suggested Grandma, Mom and I go to this boutique. With much hesitation I decided to go, and thank God I did.

The boutique I went to was very small (maybe had 150 dress, only about 18 in my size). After trying on 5 dressing, and not liking one of them, the owner suggested one last dress that caught her eye. The moment I slipped into the dress I knew it was the one. I can't give out too many details since I really want it to be a surprise, all I can say is I truly feel like a princess in it.

Even though I have been planning for this wedding since the 1st of January, it didn't feel real until now. I am so excited and can't wait till May 22nd when I get to become Mrs. Colton.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Okay so I promise this really is the last time, hopefully! Seth and I have changed the date of our wedding once again. The new date of the weekend wedding festivities will be May 21st-23rd of 2010.

The reason for the change you ask? Well, we found 1/3 of Seth's groomsmen were not able to be in the wedding if we had it on the 15th, so for obvious reasons we just had to change it.

Next weekend is our engagement party in FLORIDA!!! I am so excited. We invited 75 people and it looks like we have 76 people coming. Great turnout! I was getting worried about not having the right outfit, since I want to look cute and presentable but still be nice and cool for the Florida heat. But it looks like I found the perfect dress, and I can't wait to wear it.

Besides picking the location for the wedding and our bridal party, that is really all of the planning we have done so far. I think the majority of our planning will happen this May when Seth, my mom, and I go to North Carolina to meet with vendors. Both Seth and I are pretty set on using the same photographer that photographed our engagement (see link to her site). I also have been asking around to find recommendations for florists, DJ's, etc..

I still can't believe this is all actually happening. I know this sounds cliche, but I really did know that I wanted to marry Seth the moment I met him, and I even had a boyfriend at the time. The moment I met him I just fell head over heels for him. He was everything I could have ever imagined, and more, so to know that soon I will be marrying him, just makes everything seem magical.

Not that I have a lot of people reading this, but for those of you who do, I can't wait for you all to share this exciting time with us.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

P.S. The date has changed again, May 15, 2010

Hilarious how I don't post anything for over two weeks and then I post again two minutes apart.

Just wanted to let everyone know that we have changed the date again, but this time hopefully for good.

I will become Mrs. Seth Colton on May 15th, 2010. We had to change the date since I had completely forgotten that my cousin is having his Bar Mitzvah on May 22nd, so obviously that wouldn't work out. What stinks is that I really love these cousins but now because the wedding and Bar Mitzvah are so close, they most likely will not be able to attend.

I am just ready to start moving forward with the planning.
This weekend, my parents are flying me down to Florida to do some shopping and planning. It is so hard to be doing this and not have my mom by my side the whole time.

My mom and I are closer than any mother and daughter can be. She is my best friend and truly my soul mate. My mom and I have been through everything together, good and bad. So it is very hard to be planning such an important time in my life without her by my side.

So for now I am learning how to balance building this wedding with Seth but yet still having my mom be apart of every moment. Although there may be bumps in the road, I am incredibly lucky to have such an amazing, supportive family, and know the family I will soon gain will only make me even luckier.

Most magical weekend

This past weekend Seth and I revisited the Homestead in Hot Springs, VA. For those of you who have never heard of the Homestead, you are not alone. The Homestead is a "diamond in the rough". Located four hours southwest(very west) of Washington, DC. Just think "Great Gatsby" meets "Dirty Dancing". Extremely old school feel, with the amenities of a luxury hotel. I took Seth there this past weekend as part of his Christmas present.

Apology ahead of time if I sound as if I am bragging, but how is it possible that even though Seth and I have been together for five years, everyday with him feels like the first. I still get butterflies in my stomach when I am near him and still wake up every morning pinching myself. This weekend was so magical. We are the very best of friends so we rarely ever get tired of one another.

Not sure what was so magical about the whole weekend, but it was. Plus this was our first time being there as an engaged couple. I can't quite explain what it feels like to be engaged other than I want to tell everyone, anyone who is willing to listen. Doesn't matter if you were the housekeeper, front desk clerk, or random waitresses, I was telling everyone this weekend that we were engaged!!!!

Overall I just feel truly blessed and hopefully this weekend when I go home to Florida I will actually have a breather to start planning.

Thank Heaven for Fairytales, because they do come true.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We have a date!!! Sort of.......

So it looks like we (I) have decided on a date for the wedding. May 22, 2010!!! I think it has a nice ring to it.

Now all we need to do is pick a venue. I really am leaning towards this one place because we can have everyone stay on the grounds that we are going to have the reception. To me the convenience of it all is way worth it.

This weekend Seth and I started our registry. I can't even begin to describe how incredibly exciting that adventure is. Literally you walk into a store, everyone gives you their undivided attention and you get to walk through the whole story and basically can pick out anything and everything you want!!! It is like a dream come true. Thank God they do not allow me to register for designer handbags or shoes; we would be in big trouble.

This weekend Seth and I will be taking a trip up to Maine to visit his family as well as attend a wedding in Boston for our friends Maria and Sam. I love attending weddings. It is a great opportunity for me to see what I like and don't like.

Very excited also for Monday nights festivities here in DC. My good friend Regan will be in town and my other friend Brinkley is having a cocktail party. On that note, when is it too early to ask your friends to be in your wedding?

I know this is going to sound cheesy but last night while Seth and I were watching TV and I was complaining of yet another stomach ache, I reflected on how great my life has become. Sometimes I feel like it is too good to be true. I might not have the perfect career but I sure do have the perfect family and soon to be family. Thank God!

Next post I think will be about our Florida engagement party, and the fact that my mom has not been able to sleep just thinking about it! She is crazier than I am.

Okay done for now. Make it a great one!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Just Pick A Date!!!

Why is it so hard to pick our wedding date?

Do you have any clue all of the things you need to think about when deciding on the day?

1. What time of year (winter, spring, summer or fall)?
You also need to factor in the colors you will be bringing into the wedding. The last thing you want is spring colors during the fall, although knowing me I think that would be fine.

2. Day or Evening wedding?

3. Inside or outside wedding? If it is outside, you need to arrange an alternative just in case the weather is bad. I have chosen an inside wedding, just to avoid the added stress. Plus, I have the tendency to be steamy in 60 degree weather. I have actually been stalking the farmer's almanac

4. How many people do you invite? Do you really have to invite everyone that is in the family?

5. How do you decide on the wedding party? I don't have a lot of great girlfriends, but the ones that I do have seem to be in a wedding every other weekend so there is a part of me that feels bad asking them to be in yet another wedding......

So, I have until Sunday night to decide on the date/venue. Any ideas for Hendersonville, North Carolina??? I know not necessarily the hot spot for destination weddings.

Oh yeah, and Seth and I get to go register this weekend.

The fun begins.................

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Copy Editor

I would like to give a quick shout out to my copy editor, Julie Gauthier.

Does this make me a blogger?

Okay, so I am completely not qualified to have my own "blog", but I thought this would be a great way for friends & family to keep up to date with our wedding news, events, and everyday fun wedding planning stories.

For the most part, developing this blog is just a way for me to keep all of the day to day memories fresh in my mind so when wedding planning becomes stressful, I can look back and see all of the great events that have happened.

Can someone tell me why the first thing that comes out of everyone's mouth the moment I tell them I am engaged is, "so when is the date". I hadn't even had a chance to digest the whole being engaged feeling, when every family member was pressuring Seth and I to pick a date. We don't officially have a date yet, but are thinking the middle to end of May 2010.

Why wait so long you might ask? Well if you know me, I am a planner. I like to plan things and really want to enjoy this time and not feel rushed. I know Seth and I are going to be together forever so I am not stressed at all.

Looking to the future, I know this blog won't be the place you come to get great insight into wonderful writing, rather just my thoughts on the entire wedding process.

I encourage my friends to make fun of me and the blog at all times.

Shout out to Jane (my friend Brinkley's mom with the best blog ever)

Till next time............