Monday, October 5, 2009

Guess who has a dress.........

Okay so I can't believe I get to write this.......but...... I found a dress yesterday!!!

Not only is it a dress, but it is THE dress. Even in my wildest dreams I could not have imagined a more perfect dress for myself. The best part of all was how it all happened.

About a week ago I bought a local magazine called TALK Greenville. It is a local magazine and I bought it to see who the top 25 best looking women in Greenville were. Seth also happened to look at the magazine and folded over a page when he saw a local bridal store. On Sunday my mom, dad and grandma (she was in town from Florida) came over for the day. After walking around downtown Greenville and a large southern brunch all I wanted to do was go home and relax. Unfortunately, there was a football game on so all my mom wanted to do was get out of the house so my Dad could watch. Seth suggested Grandma, Mom and I go to this boutique. With much hesitation I decided to go, and thank God I did.

The boutique I went to was very small (maybe had 150 dress, only about 18 in my size). After trying on 5 dressing, and not liking one of them, the owner suggested one last dress that caught her eye. The moment I slipped into the dress I knew it was the one. I can't give out too many details since I really want it to be a surprise, all I can say is I truly feel like a princess in it.

Even though I have been planning for this wedding since the 1st of January, it didn't feel real until now. I am so excited and can't wait till May 22nd when I get to become Mrs. Colton.