Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We have a date!!! Sort of.......

So it looks like we (I) have decided on a date for the wedding. May 22, 2010!!! I think it has a nice ring to it.

Now all we need to do is pick a venue. I really am leaning towards this one place because we can have everyone stay on the grounds that we are going to have the reception. To me the convenience of it all is way worth it.

This weekend Seth and I started our registry. I can't even begin to describe how incredibly exciting that adventure is. Literally you walk into a store, everyone gives you their undivided attention and you get to walk through the whole story and basically can pick out anything and everything you want!!! It is like a dream come true. Thank God they do not allow me to register for designer handbags or shoes; we would be in big trouble.

This weekend Seth and I will be taking a trip up to Maine to visit his family as well as attend a wedding in Boston for our friends Maria and Sam. I love attending weddings. It is a great opportunity for me to see what I like and don't like.

Very excited also for Monday nights festivities here in DC. My good friend Regan will be in town and my other friend Brinkley is having a cocktail party. On that note, when is it too early to ask your friends to be in your wedding?

I know this is going to sound cheesy but last night while Seth and I were watching TV and I was complaining of yet another stomach ache, I reflected on how great my life has become. Sometimes I feel like it is too good to be true. I might not have the perfect career but I sure do have the perfect family and soon to be family. Thank God!

Next post I think will be about our Florida engagement party, and the fact that my mom has not been able to sleep just thinking about it! She is crazier than I am.

Okay done for now. Make it a great one!

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